If you want to support this website’s work, here are some things you can do:
Follow us on social media
We are on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr at present.
Share the website and explain its mission
This website is primarily an educational resource. If you care as strongly about AI as we do, feel free to share it among your friends, family and colleagues.
While this website requires relatively little upkeep, there are costs associated with hosting and domain registration. Further, it does take a certain amount of time to run and curate. If you donate to the blog, you are making it possible to keep this project running – or, with sufficient support, it may even be possible to expand the project, whether that be through investing in more sophisticated tools to create the blog, through promoting and advertising its mission, or through upgrading the website’s resources, security and loading times.
Donate today, if you care about our mission.
Support the work of actual authors, creatives, and all-round people
I’m an aspiring and enthusiastic author myself. Supporting any creatives – whether they be artists, musicians, authors, or anything else – will always be appreciated. And while the use of AI generated work is not discouraged here, always treat it with a healthy level of suspicion.